Directory Traversal

Directory Traversal


我们看到这个题对于“路径总长”定义是有一些奇怪的,首先路径总长只包含到叶子节点(文件)的,不需要计算到非叶子节点(目录)的。其次, 因为每个文件的相对路径长度都包含路上所有目录,所以经过的边和点要多次计算。这个可以通过记录子树中的叶子节点数量(cnt[i]\texttt{cnt}[i])来方便计算。 另外,统计文件/目录长度的时候(len[i]\texttt{len}[i]),把目录的名字长度加一,可以直接把“/”符号包含进去。

具体的DP状态如下:用dp[i]\texttt{dp}[i]表示从ii出发,访问ii子树内所有文件的总路径长度。用dp2[i]\texttt{dp2}[i]表示从ii出发, 访问整棵树上所有文件的总路径长度。则状态转换为(TT是总叶子节点数):

dp[i]=uCi(dp[u]+len[u]cnt[u])dp2[u]=dp[u]+dp2[i](dp[u]+len[u]cnt[u])+3(Tcnt[u])=dp2[i]len[u]cnt[u]+3(Tcnt[u])\begin{align} \texttt{dp}[i] &= \sum_{u \in C_i} (\texttt{dp}[u] + \texttt{len}[u] \cdot \texttt{cnt}[u]) \\ \texttt{dp2}[u] &= \texttt{dp}[u] + \texttt{dp2}[i] - (\texttt{dp}[u] + \texttt{len}[u] \cdot \texttt{cnt}[u]) + 3 \cdot (T - \texttt{cnt}[u]) \\ &= \texttt{dp2}[i] - \texttt{len}[u] \cdot \texttt{cnt}[u] + 3 \cdot (T - \texttt{cnt}[u]) \end{align}

公式22中,dp[u]\texttt{dp}[u]是从uu出发到子树内的路径总长,dp2[i](dp[u]+len[u]cnt[u])\texttt{dp2}[i] - (\texttt{dp}[u] + \texttt{len}[u] \cdot \texttt{cnt}[u]) 是从父母节点ii出发到除uu之树外的原来的路径总长(从ii出发访问),3(Tcnt[u])3 \cdot (T - \texttt{cnt}[u])是要把这些路径变成从 uu出发,前面需要加上../的总长度。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int,int> pi;
int n;
int len[100005];    // file/directory name length
vector<int> adj[100005];
int cnt[100005];    // number of leaves in subtree
ll dp[100005];     // dp[i]: total length of relative paths from i in subtree
ll dp2[200005];    // dp2[i]: total length of relatives paths from i to whole tree
ll ans = 1e18;
void dfs1(int s, int e) {
    if (adj[s].empty())
        cnt[s] = 1;
    for (int u: adj[s]) {
        dfs1(u, s);
        cnt[s] += cnt[u];
        dp[s] += (ll)len[u]*cnt[u] + dp[u]; //      folder/dp[u]
void dfs2(int s, int e) {
    for (int u: adj[s]) {       // root change from s to u
        if (adj[u].empty()) continue;
        dp2[u] = dp[u] + dp2[s] - (dp[u] + (ll)len[u]*cnt[u]) + (cnt[0] - cnt[u])*3;
        ans = min(ans, dp2[u]);
        dfs2(u, s);
int main() {
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        char name[20];
        int t;
        scanf("%s %d", name, &t);
        len[i] = strlen(name) + (t > 0);        // dir name is +1
        for (int j = 0; j < t; j++) {
            int u;
            scanf("%d", &u);
    dfs1(0, -1);        // calc dp[i]
    ans = dp2[0] = dp[0];
    dfs2(0, -1);        // calc dp2[i]
    printf("%lld", ans);
    return 0;